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SEEDED: Truffles - AgriFutures On Air -Audio only, 24 mins
It’s an old-world luxury ingredient that the French, Italians and Spanish have included on their menus for hundreds of years. But Australia’s growing black perigord truffle industry is making a name for itself as a global powerhouse of production and is the fourth largest producer globally. Continued success is built upon Australia’s reputation as a supplier of premium quality truffles and access into international markets, including during the off-season to Europe’s truffle growing season.
Invasive shot-hole-borer pest killing mature trees breaches Perth quarantine zone
The polyphagous shot-hole borer, which can kill a tree in two years, has been detected in four places outside the Perth quarantine zone. The discovery shows the beetle has spread beyond the official quarantine area, which was put in place in the hope of eradicating it.
Recent Scientific Papers
Advances in molecular genetics have increased knowledge of Tuber species' life cycle and population genetic structure, indicating ways to improve yield.
Truffles are possibly the only high-value cultivated organisms for which some aspects of the habit and life cycle have only recently been elucidated or remain unknown. Molecular techniques have helped explain the biological basis for some traditional empirical management techniques, such as inoculating soil with ascospores to improve yield, and have enhanced the detection of competitive or pathogenic soil microorganisms. Improved precision of assessment of the quality of inoculated seedlings is now possible. New knowledge of the genetic structure of populations has indicated that as trees age, the genotypes of mycorrhizae on inoculated trees change, and that there are large differences in the number of female and male genotypes participating in ascocarp formation. The plasticity of Tuber species has also been revealed, with maternal genotypes growing as an ectomycorrhiza in host tree roots and as surface mycelium or an endophyte in roots of adjacent non-mycorrhizal species. Refinement of management techniques has resulted from applying the new information, and the tools are now available to resolve the many outstanding gaps in our knowledge of Tuber biology.
Volatilome changes during black truffle (Tuber melanosporum) ontogeny.
Article Highlights:
- We characterized Tuber melanosporum volatilome changes throughout its development
- Among 71 identified volatile compounds, 30 were linked to specific development stages
- Methanethiol, isobutyl isobutyrate and butanedione associatied to unripe truffles
- 4-penten-2-ol, DMS, ethyl acetate and 2-pentanol associated to ripe truffles
- In clusters of ripe truffles, aroma only differed during early harvesting season